Over the past few years, lots of stories have developed about what exactly AI will become and how it will inevitably alter our world. Some like to focus on the catastrophic sci-fi scenario in which AI becomes a dictatorial overlord that inevitably enslaves the human race. Others prefer to assume that AI will be our friendly faceless ally, stewarding us away from our terrible habits and stupid policies into some eco-perfect utopia (hopefully with better pop music).
At this point, AI is really just a tool, an incredible tool we can use to help us create high-quality content of all kinds. Tools can be used correctly and effectively and they can be used poorly. When it comes to content and marketing and content marketing, AI can truly either make or break your brand. Why? It’s the fastest way to look and sound just like everyone else, and fade sadly into the background.

Of course, you can use AI to enhance your brand voice. But we’ve all already noticed the tidal wave of generic AI-generated content that isn’t engaging and doesn’t get results glazing over our audiences’ eyes. All the experts seem to agree that – with the seas of mediocre quantity-over-quality content rapidly rising – human storytelling, human connection, and human-powered content is not only the thing that will keep your business afloat, but is the secret to riding the wave of 2024 into a profitable, successful 2025 full of organic growth and brand recognition.
We’re not the only ones talking about this, of course. As senior executive and writer for Hubspot put it, “As more marketers begin incorporating AI into their writing processes, we’ll see a rise in low-value, generic content across the internet. To stand out, it’s critical you continue to create high-quality, human-led content that isn’t simply copied and pasted from a chatbot.”
Senior content specialist for AgentSync, Ellen Lichtenstein, astutely predicted “By the end of 2024, human creators will be even more valuable than ever as the backlash against bad content begins.” And it’s not only an audience backlash we’re talking about here, even Google’s algorithms are changing their tune. Aja Frost, HubSpot’s Director of SEO Global Growth, explained, “As a result of the AI evolution, there is an exponential increase in the amount of AI-written, low-value content. And, in response to that, Google is prioritizing first-person, credible, personality-driven content.” One of the key things a human has that AI doesn’t is a perspective, which is the heart of authentic, “first-person, personality-driven content”.

See? We hate to say we told you so, but… actually we’re pretty happy to say it: Humans win! Humans beat Robots, again! Everybody loves a good John Henry story, right?
So, the question for you and your business is: how do you get high-quality, human-powered content that authentically reflects your brand voice, reaches and engages your target audiences, and actually translates into leads, growth, and profits? Well, the humans here at Mixed Handed Branding just so happen to be experts in creating high-quality, personalized content, design, copywriting, ads, and more, that will build your brand into the successful, thriving business you envision.
Mixed Handed offers everything from graphic design for logos to full-service marketing and branding packages that include anything and everything your unique brand needs: graphic and website design, copywriting, SEO optimization, social media management, ads campaigns, pay-per-click marketing, direct mailing campaigns, email marketing, and consulting. We treat every brand like we would like to be treated. Humans helping humans: it’s the way of the future!

Ready to infuse your business with the human-powered marketing and branding it needs to really grow and succeed? Contact us today – we promise you’ll only ever talk to a human.